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Flowers in Pocket

What sets the Enneagram apart?

Myers Briggs. Strengths Finders. DISC. All useful tools that offer labels for our personality traits. 


The Enneagram, however, is less interested in describing behaviors and more interested in explaining the motivation behind them: why we do what we do. Furthermore, growth doesn't come from putting a label on yourself, but from understanding why you have particular patterns of thought or behavior, deciding if you wish to continue those patterns, and having the tools to support those choices. 


Further, while the Enneagram does have nine types, it is actually considerably more nuanced than that as, with deeper study, we explore the intersection between our innate instincts and our learned behaviors or personality resulting in 27 types (not including wings).


It's also important to remember that the Enneagram is a tool -- not Gospel. It is a tool for transformation that can be used, but the Enneagram in itself won't magically transform anybody. Knowing one's Enneagram number is a relatively unhelpful piece of information on its own. It's only when that number's meaning is unpacked and we "do the work", so to speak, that the Enneagram becomes a useful tool. Emily would love to come alongside you to help you learn more about your number, help you unpack it, and help give you practical next steps from week to week of ways you can "do the work".

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